Safety & Guarantees.

Fixed Index annuities

the value changes and is based upon a stock market index. Principal is protected from market loss as long as they continue through the length of their contract, providing safety and minimum guarantees. The annuitant cannot lose money when the stock market declines.


fixed annuities

guaranteed safe with the principal (premium) guaranteed not to vary in value due to market conditions. It will increase in value as interest earnings accumulate. Fixed annuities are a predictable option for seniors who want a safe alternative for their retirements savings. Interest is generally declared at the time of application.


single premium immediate annuities

in which only one payment is made to the insurance company and in which the payouts begin immediately or within one year. This type of annuity is designed for a steady flow of cash.


deferred income annuities

typically starts with an upfront payment and grows tax deferred until payout begins. This is designed to supplement retirement income.

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Let’s Chat

Are you looking for help with training, contracting, recruiting, and ongoing backend support? We reccommend talking to someone from the Legacy Solutions annuity team of experts. They will share how we can help grow your book of business with a diversified product portfolio.